Our Services

  • Baby Registry Consultation


    Let’s create your comprehensive dream registry together! Pediatric Nurse knowledge and years of research will have your back! Here’s how it works:

    Questionnaire: Before our meeting, you’ll complete a questionnaire to share your goals, preferences, budget and stressors.

    Consult & Curated Registry: We’ll meet for an hour via video call to build and prep your registry together.

    Resources & Guides: Afterward, you’ll receive a personalized registry checklist & three beautiful guides to support your nesting season.

    *note: this offering does not include nursery furniture planning- see nursery add on.

  • Full Registry Build


    Rather have a personalized registry sent to your inbox without meeting? No worries, I’ve got you covered!

    Questionnaire: Share your goals & needs through a comprehensive questionnaire.

    Curated Registry: I’ll create a personalized registry on Babylist with all your needs, plus resources & further registry options to ensure you feel the registry is complete!

    Guides: Receive three beautiful guides to support your nesting season.

    Start this journey rested!

  • Nursery Consultation Add-On


    Gliders, dressers & more—oh my! Need extra time to plan your dream nursery? Add 30 minutes to your registry consultation to focus on nursery needs. You’ll also get a bonus nursery guide with your resources!

    Examples of items included in this consultation add on: Glider Rockers, dressers, changing tables, organizational pieces, etc.

    Nursery Guide Checklist included.

  • Coming Soon! Local & Virtual Group Classes

    -Handling the Common Cold at Home & Knowing the Warning Signs

    -Bassinet Baby: Taking Care of Yourself During those First Long Nights

    -Postpartum Expectations and Preparations

    -A Nurse Guide to Diapering & Skin